Mengenal Kode Informasi Laporan Keuangan / Financial Report

Book Value /Nilai Buku : 

Total Sales / Total Penjualan : 

Cost of Good Sold / : 

EBIT(Earning Before Interest and Tax) / : 

Net Income / Pendapatan Bersih (Neto) : 

EPS(Earning Price Share) / : 

Total Asset / Nilai Aset Keseluruhan : 

Total Liabilities / Total Hutang Keseluruhan : 

Total Equity / : 

PER(Price Earning Ratio) / : 

PBV(Price of Book Value) / : 

DER(Dept to Equity Ratio) / : 

ROA(Return on Asset) / : 

ROE(Return on Equity) / : 

DPS(Devidend Per Share) / Deviden per saham : 

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